Good Branding: A Combination of Many Things

Congratulations to Hodas Law. And, thank you. Your enthusiasm to present authentic, courageous creative is the stuff of dreams—dream clients, anyway.

With a new logo…

BTH Monogram JPG

Identity suite…

BTH Final Logo-no tag




DFA Website

Social media presence…

hodas fb

And print ad campaign…

PrintHodas Tomato AD-02

People are talking. Courageous creative makes people talk.  It makes people think. It takes guts.  Good branding is not one thing, it is a combination of many things.  Public relations, advertising, dynamic design and dynamic, thought provoking messaging coalesce to solidify your brand. Authenticity will do that.


Your brand is your identity, and your identity is as individual as your fingerprint.

Or, at least it should be!
